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Getting Started

Obsidian Heading and Formatting Shortcuts

Obsidian uses Markdown for formatting, and here are some essential shortcuts to enhance your note-taking experience:


  • H1 (Heading 1): # Your Heading
  • H2 (Heading 2): ## Your Heading
  • H3 (Heading 3): ### Your Heading
  • H4 (Heading 4): #### Your Heading
  • H5 (Heading 5): ##### Your Heading
  • H6 (Heading 6): ###### Your Heading


  • Bold: **Your Text** or __Your Text__
    • Shortcut: Ctrl + B (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + B (Mac)
  • Italic: *Your Text* or _Your Text_
    • Shortcut: Ctrl + I (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + I (Mac)
  • Bold and Italic: ***Your Text*** or ___Your Text___
  • Strikethrough: ~~Your Text~~
  • Inline Code: `Your Code`
  • Code Block:
    Your code


  • Blockquote: > Your Quote
  • Unordered List: - Item or * Item
    • Shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + 8 (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + Shift + 8 (Mac)
  • Ordered List: 1. Item
    • Shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + 7 (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + Shift + 7 (Mac)
  • Checkboxes: - [ ] Task or - [x] Completed Task
  • Link: [Link Text](URL)
  • Image: ![Alt Text](Image URL)

Additional Shortcuts

  • Insert Link: Ctrl + K (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + K (Mac)
  • Toggle Preview/Edit Mode: Ctrl + E (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + E (Mac)
  • Highlight: ==Your Text== ==Your Text==
  • Horizontal Line: --- or ***

  • Wsubscript , Wsuperscript, match symbols - $\lambda$
  • \(Anything\ in\ block\) These shortcuts will help you quickly format and structure your notes in Obsidian.

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